Is effective?

Having only recently launched, we do not yet have enough data to prove that our website does create everlasting relationships for the undead. However, we are a vampire run, not for profit, VampiresUnited© certified company, so our clients can be assured that we have their best interests in mind. We are in the process of launching a new marketing campaign to reach vampires that have not yet discovered the internet, and have high hopes to expand into this untapped market that we believe will be successful in yielding more users and eventually relationships.

How do I avoid Cruci-fishing? ?

All of our listed vitims have been pre-screened and pre-stalked so that our undead clients can feel safe knowing they will not potentially meet with any vampire hunters. We still ask that you stay diligent, as with a rise in vampire media representation there has been an increase in vampire enthusiasts, known as "Fanpires". These vampire-loving humans are banned from our site, but as they are more deceptive than any hunters we have seen thus far, any personal information posted here is potentially accessibile to them. Use of this site waives all liability against us regarding these occurrences.

What is your reflection on this assignment?

I thoroughly enjoyed this assignment, both in topic and because of the creative liberty it offered. I chose to focus on some of the erotic themes of Dracula; particularly surrounding the relationship between the Count and Johnathan, his 'wives', and with vampires and humans in general. I envisioned Count Dracula as this old vampire sitting all alone in his castle, trying to find a way to trap a new victim into his home. I also saw him as lonely; he is all powerful but in a way he requires others to survive. That's where I came up with the idea of a dating website for vampires. I wanted it to be remniscent of an early 2000s website, and when I couldn't find a premade website creator that could do that, I actually learned some basic html coding to create my project (which you should know is COMPLETELY out of character for me, I mean, I'm so easily frustrated with technology that I barely got my first iPhone in May). My purpose in using this format is that Dracula is something to be construed as very old; vampires have been a traditionally recognized 'monster' for centuries. Dating, or some form of it, is something that humans have engaged in since the beginning of time. However, the appeal of vampires and their presence in media is something that has really been transformed and renewed in the past decade. The same can be said of dating; the virtual revolution has changed how we engage in relationships and with others. Many people say that online dating can "suck the life out of you". Vampires literally suck the life out of you. Especially in such an isolated time, when online dating is a main or only option to building a romantic relationship, seeking human affection can actually become an isolating experience; much like vampirism. Throughout this course, we have examined what 'makes a monster', what is something that we should recognize as being harmful to or within ourselves, humanity or society. In all of our readings, there is something to be said about the need for other people; for their compassion, their love, their support, their pity. To me, literature can be understood then, as a way to connect to and understand others; to learn how our role in society as an active force for good relates to other humans, and how our world should or could be.